
Text Analytics and Retrieval Workflow System
Provide a text analysis platform based on workflows, where users don’t need to write code or only require a small amount of code to design the text mining process, allowing anyone to be a text mining analyst!

Social Media Analysis Course
The emergence of social media has enabled ordinary users to generate their own content, known as User Generated Content (UGC). By extracting, examining, and analyzing this data, we can gain real-time insights into important social phenomena, policy effectiveness, and business operations, enabling us to make informed decisions. Our platform provides fundamental text mining capabilities and incorporates multiple forums and news sources for analysis purposes.

Collaborative Resources

National Sun Yat-sen University Business Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence Platform
We provide an integrated application platform for intelligent technologies, leveraging deep learning-based techniques such as facial recognition, speech recognition, speech synthesis, and conversational AI.

Big Data Business Analytics Platform
The aim is to advance research and application of big data technologies, support education and practice, and promote data-driven decision-making and innovation.
Contact Us|Unlocking the Power of Digital Transformation
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Unlocking the Power of Digital Transformation


No. 70, Lianhai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City 804201, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Room CM4044-3, 4th Floor, College of Management, NSYSU

+886 (7) 5252000 #4508